Rules for r/WiiHacks Users
Posting Guidelines can be found here.
Be Civil
No Spam
- Bots that serve no real function and annoy users.
- Posts that are selling something.
- Anything that classifies as spam.
No Piracy
- Any post or comment asking for or providing help in obtaining pirated software in any form will be removed.
- Any post or comment discussing piracy.
- Direct links, site names, subreddit names, search engines, and private chat requests all apply.
No Low-Effort Posts
Help Requests and Questions:
- Needs to be Wii Related.
- Needs to have an accurate and brief post title. The title must summarize the description contained in the body.
- Needs to include all relevant information regarding the issue. Software used, syscheck, hardware used, what you have installed on your SD/USB, tutorials, in almost all cases. If any of these requirements requires you to violate rule #3, then please take your question to a community that will allow it.
- Must be more than just a video or a picture. It needs a description.
- Must not be hard to read.
- No “what do I do next?” questions.
- “What software do you recommend?” posts will only be allowed if one hasn’t occurred recently. Search the subreddit.
- No questions addressed by our recommended guide, F.A.Q., or DDG/Google search.
- Do not ask for someone else to do something for you.
- Issues that have a high volume must include a detailed amount of information in them.
Any other post qualifying as low-effort may be removed.
- Reposts are currently not allowed. Original posts only.
Removals, Bans and Circumventing Bans
Any rule violation can result in your post being removed, or you being banned depending on the context of the violation.
Continually violating a rule will get you banned.
All spambots will be banned permanently.
Reddit’s policy on circumventing bans.
- If you have questions regarding the rules or bans, please feel free to message the moderators via modmail.