The wiki entry, and the stickied post are to remain in sync with this document.
Don’t ask or tell where to find pirated software. Don’t post about pirating software in any way shape or form. It violates rule #3.
Piracy friendly forums are often targeted legally by the legitimate I.P. holders. Being known as one puts the community at risk. If you see a link or discussion regarding piracy please report it.
Search first. If you ask a question or have an issue that can be resolved via a subreddit search or DDG/Google search or if it is addressed in our F.A.Q., it’ll be removed.
If you’re wondering where to start and are about to make a post to ask about it, please do not;
Your title must be brief and completely encompass your issue. Short titles that convey no information and long titles that give full histories and are hard to read will be removed.
Loader help (USBLoaderGX, cfg-usbloader, WiiFlow, etc) need to have all relevant information or they will be removed. Hardware, Software, syscheck, & SD/USB Card setup must all be provided.
Post your syscheck as a link. Posts that have syschecks in the body will be removed as they are hard to read.
If your post is removed for Rule #4, I suggest you read the rules before sending a ModMail or trying to post again.